Monday, October 28, 2013

creamy white bean & chicken chili with roasted sweet potatoes

I wanted to share this post again, since chili is a popular dinner served on Halloween.

It's easy to see why . . . it's simple to prepare and ever-so-hearty.  A delicious on-the-go dinner for busy trick-or-treaters. 

Chili has a special place in my heart! It reminds me of my late grandma, Monie, who made it every year for our family's Annual Halloween Celebration! Her chili was famous!  
It was rich . . . thick . . . and hearty! Made with a tomato base, meat, salsa, and LOADS of spices . . . It was amazing.

Shortly after her 97th birthday she shared with us that she didn't think she was going to host Halloween that year, because it was just too much. And although we all offered to help, she still declined because she knew she couldn't host it the way that she always did, and wanted to . . . so our chili tradition ended, sadly.

Several of us asked her for the recipe, so as to carry on the "chili tradition" in our own homes . . . but her response was "Honey, there is no recipe." 

What!?! How could that be? 

Determined to have it, I asked her to prepare it one afternoon so that I could watch and record. My attempt proved quite difficult because she didn't measure a single ingredient, and used a lot of "this and that." 

My culinary skills have grown over the years, and what I've come to realize is that chili is probably one of the most versatile recipes, and that some of the best chili's don't have a recipe! 

Monie's chili is still THE BEST CHILI I have ever eaten , and knowing what I know now . . . It wasn't amazing because of a 'special ingredient' . . . It was amazing because she prepared it with LOVE . . . and a lot of it! ((Her century-old cast iron pot ~ laden with more flavor than you could imagine ~ might have helped a little too. Smile!))

I haven't tried to re-create her chili. I'm not sure that I ever could, even if I tried. And that's ok. It was HER chili, and she will always be remembered for it!

Since marrying my husband, I've prepared a few chili recipes . . . and tend to lean towards white bean and chicken chili's. I appreciate their light and fresh flavors . . . and love that I can add ROASTED Fall vegetables for an extra special treat.  Roasted sweet potatoes are my favorite . . . as their sweetness is a pleasant play off the warm cumin and chili spices

I recommend serving your favorite garlic bread with THIS chili  . . . and don't forget a few great toppings too! CRUMBLED BACON makes this ever so good!!

(If you don't have time to roast your own chicken, then a rotisserie chicken works great too)
1 medium onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tablespoon butter
2 cans (15-1/2 ounces each) great northern beans, rinsed and drained
1 can (14-1/2 ounces) chicken broth
1 can (8 ounces) chopped green chilies
1 teaspoon salt
2  teaspoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
Garnish with . . . fresh Italian flat leaf parsley or cilantro, sour cream, shredded Pepper  Jack Cheese, and CRUMBLED BACON

In a large saucepan, saute the onion in butter until tender, stir in seasonings, allowing them to heat. Add garlic and saute. Stirring frequently.
Add the beans, broth, chilies, and salt & pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 30 minutes. 
Add roasted sweet potatoes and shredded chicken. Cover pot with lid. 
Remove from the heat; stir in cream. 
Serves 6-8

bon appetit!

~ This post is dedicated to my late grandma, Monie ~
We miss you!

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. I got to play volleyball with your hubby while you were in Colorado. He told me about your blog because I love to cook, too. I am so glad he did! I love your posts and especially your recipes. I wish I could have met you while you were here. :). I have a blog, too, but am NOT good about keeping up on it...thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Hi Kristina! It's so nice to meet you! My hubby shared so many wonderful things about the people he played volleyball with while working in Colorado . . . and you were one of them! I'm so happy you're enjoying my posts. Please keep in touch!

  2. Love your sweet story about your Grandma's chili. What a precious and treasured memory.
    Your chili on the other hand, looks really good. I've never had a white bean and chicken chili and will have to give it a try. Your photos make it look so tempting. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    1. Hi Cindy,
      So happy to see that you came by!
      It's a light and delicious chili. One that I hope you're able to try soon. This cool weather is perfect for it!
      Since writing this post, I found a recipe that very closely resembles my sweet grandma's. I'll be sharing it later this week in honor of her this Halloween.
      Hope you come back again soon.
      Have a beautiful day,

  3. Suzanne, I make this chili and love it. Have never tried adding the roasted peppers. YUM! Pinning Thanks for sharing your recipe with SYC. Grandma's chili sounds delish.

  4. This chili looks so good and it is perfect for the cool weather we are having! Thanks for linking to Less Laundry, More Linking Party!

  5. What a wonderful seasonal dish. Very different.

  6. Looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing at Silver Pennies Sundays. x

  7. This looks comforting and what a lovely presentation.

  8. wow. This looks scrumptious! I'm visiting from Thursday Favorite Things blog hop 113.

  9. We love white chicken chili - perfect for this time of the year! I bet these are wonderful - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
