Friday, January 11, 2013

vintage Valentine garland

I bought these vintage Valentine cards shortly before our first daughter was born . . . more than five years ago. Aren't they darling!?!  

Our daughter's due date was February 14th, and I wanted to make something special with them so that our home felt extra special when we brought her home with us for the first time. Unfortunately, that didn't happen . . . and these sweet cards sat in a photo box in a closet for years. 

I held on to them knowing that I would do something with them one day; and I'm so happy that I did, because I recently felt inspired to make something special with them!

These vintage Valentine's are from the 1940s. The woman that sold them to me saved them from her childhood. A few even have hand-written messages. 
Here's a peak inside a few of them . . .

Our stair-railing looked quite naked after taking Christmas decorations down, so I thought I would create a Valentine garland to dress them up a bit. 

So with a few sheets of 12 x 12 scrapbook paper, scissors, and a hot glue gun ~ I went to work on making paper rosettes and cutting gold tiaras. Fun! 

I chose wide burlap and matte gold ribbons to swag  . . . 
and at each peak I tightly strung a paper rosette 
that showcases a gold tiara and vintage Valentine card.  

I attached the cards to the tiaras/rosettes using a dot of glue on the back 
so that you're still able to open and read their sweet messages.

I smile when I walk through our front door and see these sweet Valentine cards. They remind me of simpler (and quieter) time . . . smile . . . but most of all ~ they remind of the happiness and excitement I felt waiting for the arrival of our first daughter. 

Home-made Valentine's are the best!
Wouldn't you agree ?!?

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