Tuesday, May 28, 2013

a Gentleman's "tea"

This sweet social came upon us on the heels of
                                                a "tea party " that I had for our little girls.

We had so much fun that our youngest son, Ford, asked me if he could have a "tea party" too.

His request took me a little by surprise.

And took his daddy ~ alot ~ by surprise.

It didn't take long for me to say "Yes!" (after all, I live for this kind of stuff!) . . .

. . . and after I did, Ford excitedly shared his "sweet" requests!  It was obvious that he had been thinking about it, alot (smile!).

 . . . "I want everything to be blue and green. If you have something
                     that's pink or p
urple, then we have to give it to Charley and Lauren."

                      . . . " I want chocolate too, mama!" . . .

   . . . "and 'those things' that taste so good, with the sprinkles."

"BUBBLE GUM!  Bluegreen! We have to have those! They're great!" . . . 

With those simple &"sweet" requests, I began planning Ford's "tea party."

First, I had to come up a name for our little social . . . 

How about . . . "a Gentleman's tea!" 

Ford is loving, caring, and gentle . . . a little man, so it was perfect.

Now on to the fun stuff!

We ventured to a place that we love to picnic at for our "Gentleman's Tea."

We dressed up . . . Ford wore a bow tie . . . so handsome (smile).
                        We played . . . climbed trees . . . and laughed! 

And we sipped on THE BEST EVER home-made Blackberry Lemonade and enjoyed sweet treats!

~ our menu ~

with fresh lemon & mint

Cake Batter Cookie Crumbles
with sprinkles

Chocolate Cupcakes
with chocolate sprinkles

8-Layer Chocolate Cake
decorated with Sixlets and Gumballs!  

I always have fun with desserts, and this "tea party" was no exception!

Since it was a "tea party," I wanted to dress up Ford's favorite desserts a bit. 

So, I added old-fashioned pocket watch toppers (made from 3D stickers)
                            and chocolate sprinkles to the cupcakes . . . 

. . . and instead of a traditional 2 or 4-layer cake, I thought it would be fun to make a TALL 8-layer chocolate cake . . . and then decorate it with some of his favorite candies . . . sixlets and gumballs! He LOVED it!

Our decorations were simple . . . 

A pale blue and cream chevron tablecloth set our backdrop.

And since I knew that we were going to picnic under a tree, I thought a simple pennant garland would be perfect. I sewed one from scrapbook paper and ribbon that I had in my cupboard. It was a simple 15 minute project that added a touch of whimsy. 

Do you recognize the framed chalkboard!?! I thought it would be a fun way to showcase our menu. I had so much fun playing with the design! The kids loved the pictures of the blackberries, lemon, and tall cake!

I didn't want to transport "fine china" to the park, so I served our sweet treats on small chalkboards.


They were perfect plates!

I wrote "gentleman" on Ford's . . .

 . . . and when he asked me what it read, I found it was the perfect opportunity to talk about what it means to be a true gentleman. Even the girls participated in the discussion. 

I truly treasure teaching moments like these. 

I've even heard Ford and Charley make references to acting like a "gentleman" and a "lady" since having our "tea parties." 

I must tell you . . . I am one happy Mama!

After a long afternoon of play and pretend, we went home and everyone nappedincluding me . . . 
                      . . . but not without counting my blessings first. 


  1. This was adorable through and through! I love the idea, the Little Gentleman's planning, and your food & decorations. Beautifully perfect! :)

  2. Oh how fun and totally adorable. What a fabulous party idea. Both the children are absolutely precious. Great pictures. Thanks for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  3. of course boys should have tea parties!! your kiddos are adorable and this is one of the cutest ideas I've seen. Be sure and come for Be Inspired Thursday morning. so so cute!!

  4. A Gentleman's tea party is just the perfect thing for boys. What a great way to have fun and to teach some of the finer points of social life.

  5. Quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen! I am a HUGE tea party fan and have five little gentlemen of my own who would LOVE this. Ford is one lucky little man!

  6. Oh how sweet!! Why don't I ever get invited to parties this creative? Haha So unique!

    Linsey at The Farmhouse Porch

  7. Oh my gosh!! What a fun mom you are!! Wow.

  8. How CUTE and what a fun idea!!! Those pocket watches are just the CUTEST!!!!!!

    1. Thanks, Maria!
      He was so happy and felt so special having a party (that wasn't his birthday). It's fun to celebrate little things!
      Have a great weekend,

  9. Love this party :) Awesome decorations and the 8 layer cake is a dream! I can't wait to try the lemonade!
