Thursday, May 2, 2013

cherry blossoms

I love flowers.

I love fresh cut flowers, garden flowers, and lush green gardens.

~ cherry blossom buds ~

I have always loved Farmer's Markets too.

It is where, in my early 20s, I discovered that I could buy seasonal fresh cut flowers at great prices.  

Through my 20s and early 30s, I visited my local Farmer's Market every Saturday . . . for fruits, vegetables, and ~ of course ~ flowers.

I've since married and moved to a new county, and although I don't frequent this area's Farmer's Market as often as I would like to . . . 

buying fresh cut flowers every week is still a tradition that I hold dear to my heart.

I buy seasonal fresh cut flowers at our local market now. Joni, the buyer, selects beautiful flowers for the store every week. My children and I know her, and she knows us by name . . . so it makes finding the perfect flowers for our home as good as going to a Farmer's Market (smile!).

There's something so special and beautiful about walking into a home and seeing fresh cut flowers.

It's a simple pleasure . . .

One that I truly enjoy, every day.


One of my favorite seasonal finds are cherry blossom branches!

Farmer's Markets and select stores sell them every Spring.

And every year, I buy several branches.

~ gallery of partial blooms ~



They're quite stunning. 

Each single blossom ~ when fully open ~ resembles a petite peonies

So light and delicate, each petal is like tissue paper. 

~ gallery of FULL blooms ~

It's quite a beautiful sight.

Every day the blossoms open, just a little.

Enough to reveal whether it will be a soft pink, or a darker pink. 

Even its bright green leaves are quite stunning as they unfurl from their tight buds.  

Here is a photo of one of the blossoms, seven days after bringing it home.

Stunning soft pink pom poms.

Towering above our dining room table, 
stood several 3-foot tall branches laden with full blossoms.


The early morning light shown bright on them every morning.

Such a sweet Spring pleasure.


  1. Such a lovely blog and this post is exquisite! I love the way you have captured the beauty of the blossoms and the lighting! Your side roll makes me very hungry for pink desserts!Hope your weekend was filled with Pink Blessings! Stop by soon for a visit to Haymarket VA!

  2. As always my visits here simply make me smile!!!! : ) hugs...
