Friday, September 13, 2013

black-eyed Susans . . . end-of-Summer flowers

Finding the extraordinary in the ordinary . . .  

Black-Eyed Susans remind me of the end of Summer.

               August and September are typically when you see them for sale in nurseries.

I mentioned in an earlier post that Black-eyed Susans and sunflowers are my favorite Summer flowers.

Look closely at the petals . . . notice how the burnt-sienna feathers into the golden yellow.

Isn't it beautiful?

Even the petals are pretty with their scalloped edges and deep green color.

This is the time of year when I buy several for my garden, and a few for our dining room.

I have a beautiful collection of creme and white pots, and black-eyed Susans look quite pretty in them. 

         For so many reasons . . . 
                   these stunning flowers stir an excitement in me for Fall.

a few fun facts about the Black-Eyed Susan
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It is the official state flower of Maryland, since 1918.

Just like Echinacea, this flower has been used in traditional herbal medicine. 
Juice from the roots has been used to heal earaches.

Black-Eyed Susan’s are pioneer plants, one of the first plants to grow after a fire or other natural disaster.

In the language of flowers, Black-Eyed Susan’s represent encouragement.
They would be the perfect gift to send to a friend who is going through some tough times.

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What's your favorite end of Summer flower?

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. Beautiful picked a good one. I love these flowers too because they do not mind hot drought conditions...and they give us wonderful color.

    Have a good week!

    1. Thanks for coming by Christine!
      I'm always amazed at the many places I've seen these beauties grow.
      Have a beautiful week,

  2. I love your outdoor table setting. It is a perfect way to celebrate end of summer. Just beautiful. I am your newest follower.


    1. So happy you came by, Ellya!
      Have a beautiful week,

  3. Your pictures are amazing. Love them and the black eyed susans are one of my favorites. The outdoor table is fabulous. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  4. Absolutely stunning! Love the table setting, thanks for linking up.

  5. You really captured the beauty of the sunflower in all of your photos.
    Mary Alice

  6. I love sedum! All my black eyed Susan's are dying off. I should dead head for one last bloom! I brought snips of sedum into the house in mason jars for my kitchen review almost a month ago and they're still fresh!

    1. Hi Kelly,
      Thanks so coming by!
      My family and I are vacationing in Colorado right now, and black-eyed Susans are everywhere. You would LOVE it. It feels like Fall is every where! I've noticed that landscapers here pair them with tall lavender. It's quite beautiful.
      I, too, love simple garden flowers (like black-eyed Susans) in mason jars!
      Hope you come back again soon.
      Have a great week,

  7. Beautiful pictures... I love black-eyed Susans and they even look beautiful as they are dying off. This reminds me that I need to go out and take some pictures of the fall flowers. Thanks for sharing on Fluster Buster's Creative Muster.
    co-host Marlys @ This and That
    Sharing on my facebook page.

    1. Hi Marlys,
      I LOVE the colors of Fall flowers!
      Yes, go to your garden and take lots of photos. Be sure and cut them too, and bring them inside so that you can enjoy them all the time.
      Thanks for coming by!
      Have a beautiful week,

  8. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Very pretty flowers. I love black eyed susans. I had to dig mine up and give them to my mom, the rabbits kept eating them (and I’m the one that lives in town!). They are doing great with the rest of hers in her garden though.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Manda!
      I smiled when I read that you had to take your black-eyed Susans to your mom's because of rabbits. They do well inside too. I have a few in pots in my dining room.
      Have a great week,

  9. Your black eyed Susans are lovely! I love my Fall bloomers too. I posted Halloween Banner to Fluster:) Stop by

  10. My favorite also, love your table setting. Beautiful Andi

  11. This is a beautiful post! Thanks for linking up to Tickled Pink Times Two.
    Make it a pink day!
