Friday, September 20, 2013

fall inspirations from up North

Happy, Happy Fall!

My family and I are vacationing in Colorado, and we're loving the cooler temperatures and rain.  It certainly feels like Fall here (big smile!).

I've taken so many Fall-inspired photos while on our trip, and was hoping to gather all of them to create a post dedicated to Fall, but we've been so busy having fun that I haven't had a chance.  

~ shopping in Littleton, Colorado ~

I've shared several of them on Instagram, and hope that you stop over to take a peek.

For now, I thought I would share a post that I wrote last year after returning home from a Fall trip to Central California with my mom and sister. 

I still enjoy looking at these photos, even a year later, and hope you do too!

~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

I returned from an annual 4-day trip that I take with my mom and sister every year. 

We travel a few short hours North to Los Olivos, Solvang, and San Luis Obispo to share one another's company, shop for hours on end, enjoy the changing season (COLD weather & gorgeous foliage!), and eat; and when I say eat, I mean we stop at lots of bakery shops and enjoy Danish delights . . . and a lot of them! Calorie-counting is out-the-door while we're away! 

Fall is in full bloom, and with Thanksgiving just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to share a few of my favorite Fall inspirations from up North . . . 

We have many traditions on our trip, and stopping by Avila Valley Farm is one of them . . .

~ So many pumpkins, and their varieties, in one place! ~

~ Look at the height of the trees towering over the pumpkin pile!~

~ Avila Valley Farm stand is bursting with Fall delights, fresh and jarred ~
~ They even sell home-baked desserts! ~

~ Buckets of Fall leaf bouquets FOR SALE ~

~ You can buy lunch here, as well. BBQ, of some sort ~

~ Scarecrows everywhere ~

We discovered a new farm along the way . . . Windmill Farms . . . We fell in
LOVE and plan to add it to our traditional stops next year. 

One of my favorite stops is J.Woest in Los Olivos!!

~ Pumpkins can brighten up any landscape ~

~ I love this planter arrangement! ~

~ I LOVE this wreath! ~

Our destination and home-base is always Solvang, California

~ Look at this beautiful tree! ~
We saw Fall foliage everywhere!

~ Picket Fences is my favorite shop in Solvang ~
~ a HARVEST window! ~

~ Mortensen's is my favorite Danish bakery in Solvang ~

~ I have a "sweet" tradition while visiting the area . . .
I enjoy a Napoleon Hat cookie at a table right next to their
front facing window . . . where I enjoy a quiet moment,
people-watch, and count my blessings ~

~ Napoleon Hat cookie ~
A delicious Danish cookie!
A staple cookie in Danish bakeries. 
Napoleon Hats are a butter cookie with a marzipan center (YUM!!!),
and then dipped in chocolate

We had another wonderful trip!
I hope you found Fall inspirations in my photos, 
as you decorate your home and garden for this bountiful season.

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. Hi Suzanne,
    I loved this post and I'm making a list of the sites you visited. I live in Southern California and Mr. B and I love to take weekend field trips. Some of these places I've never heard of but Solvang has been a fun location for a very long time with us.
    I'm so happy to have found your site, thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding fall. The funny thing is that Kelly (Talk of the House) read the comment about not liking fall from on of my readers comments. I love fall and all of its colors. LOL.
    Karen at Garden, Home and Party

  2. I live in Canada so you aren't quite as far North as I thought you might be in your linky title (visiting from Dwellings) but I can sure see why you are enjoying Colorado! How beautiful and what fantastic spots for fall décor and produce you've found! Enjoyed seeing everything!


  3. Oh how fun. I love all the pumpkins and such a great place to shop. I would love it. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  4. Looks like a fantastic trip! How fun! Thanks for sharing at the Creative Muster party this week!

  5. I enjoyed this post very much - put me in the fall spirit even though I am in shorts and flip flops!

    1. Hi Donna!
      So happy you enjoyed the visit! Happy Fall :0)
      Have a beautiful weekend,

  6. What a fun trip! I love going to places like this with my sisters. A few years ago we visited our cousin in Colorado Springs. I remember going to Littleton. I love the unusual pumpkins! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Hi Jann!
      So happy you came by!
      I love Littleton! I took several photos while we were in Colorado. You can visit my Instagram to see them.
      Have a beautiful weekend,

  7. Looks great. I'm ready for some fall decor, the pumpkin patch and an apple orchard visit! Found you on From the Farm Blog Hop.
    In Far NorCal, :) Lea @

    1. Thanks for coming by, Lea!
      We recently vacationed in Colorado where I took several photos of Fall decor and pumpkin patches :0)
      Visit my Instagram to see them!
      Have a great weekend,

  8. OH I'm swooning. I love it all. I have not been to Solvang since I graduated HS. I miss it.

    Happy Fall!!

    1. Hi Gina!
      Thanks for coming by!
      I'm sure you would agree that it's beautiful country up there! We vacation there in the Fall every year, and it really makes Fall feel like Fall for me :0)
      Have a beautiful weekend!

  9. I remember many fun trips to Solvang, but I haven't been back since college! The bakery was always my favorite. ;) Now I miss home even more! Thanks for reminding why I love CA so much!!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      So happy you came by!
      California is quite an amazing state. Hope you make it back again soon!
      Have a beautiful weekend,
