Monday, April 28, 2014

a vintage garden book

I shared this beautiful book a few weeks ago in this Spring-inspired post of our living room. Isn't the metal plate on the cover charming?

It was given to me shortly after my grandma, Monie, passed away.

She was an avid gardener. Very knowledgeable. In fact, she owned a florist shoppe for several years in the small town that she lived in all her life.

My grandma not only had a green thumb, but she was blessed with green fingers. Everything she tended to in her garden was always green and lush. Folks that walked past her house would always stop and admire her yard. Her home was definitely the beauty of the block.

More often than not, she could be found in her garden. She loved green, anything green, especially ferns. I'm almost positive that that's why I adore them. I planted fern trees in our backyard shortly after she passed away. I smile when I see them out our family room windows. It's as though I have a little piece of her . . . a beautiful reminder of the incredible woman she was.

I've always enjoyed gardening. I'm sure that that's why my mom gave me this beautiful book. She knew that I would treasure it.

When I have a quiet moment, which isn't too often . . .  but when I do, I enjoy sitting in our living room and browsing through it ~ with a cup of tea ~ and admiring the illustrations and simple read.
Isn't it beautiful?

A peak into the inside cover . . . 

A beautifully illustrated welcome . . .

A few of my favorite pages . . .

The little ones and I planted a potted garden this Spring . . . heirloom & cherry tomatoes, green beans, and strawberries, so far.

Titled 'The Charm of the Informal Garden' . . . 
This reminds me of my grandma's garden . . . airy and natural.

And my favorite page of them all . . .

This photo graces the last page, and reads . . . 

Home gardens are good for all ages. 
Besides the satisfaction of delicious and nutritive results like these, 
they build strong bodies, keen minds, enduring characters and good citizens.

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. Old books have such characters and beauty in them. I too enjoy browsing through old books, it makes me feel like I was doing time travel...

  2. What fond memories you have and a beautiful treasure to keep.

  3. Suzanne, I would most definitely treasure such a book. How special that this one once belonged to your grandmother. Thank you for sharing a look at some of the pages. Happy Spring, my friend!

  4. Suzanne, this is a treasure!!! What a beautiful thing to keep in your family!

  5. What a beautiful book! Lovely!! :)

  6. So lovely and so precious to you. I love things like that! Some of the pages would make lovely artwork -- copied of course!

  7. They sure don't make them like they used to! Beautiful book and beautiful memories!

  8. This is so very precious, a keepsake forever! I love it!

    Soiree by Danielle Rollins Giveaway!

  9. A lovely book! My grandmother was an avid gardener also. She was always out working in her garden. I can still smell her garden every time I work in mine. I miss her so. I also have her book collection, they too are from the thirties. Such treasures.

  10. What a lovely book to treasure!! I bet it is fun to read. Thank you for sharing it with us! :)

  11. Thank you for joining in the garden party over here at Fishtail Cottage! Can't wait to see you again this Thursday! xoxo, tracie

  12. Must admit, a bit of jealousy going on over here. I love anything garden themed and always look for vintage books at the thrift shops. Alas, not having much luck. Yours is precious! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. What a beautiful book! Looks like you've got your Grandma Monie's green thumb genes! Thanks for sharing at my Creative Ways Link Party!

  14. What an absolutely gorgeous book Suzanne!! They just don't make them like they used to. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Best of the Weekend. :)
