Tuesday, April 22, 2014

farmer's market . . . home away from home


I was excited when Priscilla, the Community Coordinator for DogVacay,  invited me to participate in their Home Away from Home project.  

Knowing that this means something different to everyone, inspired them to reach out to bloggers and the Community and ask,  "What is your home away from home?" 

For surfers, it might be the beach . . . for an animal lover, a shelter . . . or for an avid gardener, maybe it's their garden. 

For me, it's a Farmer's Market. The Farmer's Market reminds me of a simpler time. It's a source of beauty and inspiration.  

I began visiting Farmer's Markets more than 20 years ago. I have fond memories of early Saturday morning strolls under and through the tall white canopy tents. 

It's a unique experience of sights and smells. Fresh fruits, vegetables, baked goods, fresh breads, ART, musicians, flowers . . . and so much more . . . nestled under tall white tents . . . all under the big blue sky. And everyone is so friendly, vendors and shoppers alike.

It's a wonderful environment to relax and stroll, visit with local growers, learn about new fruit and vegetable varieties, sample foods, ooh & ahhhh over heavenly desserts brought in by local bakeries, and visit with local artisans.

Look at the treasures I found last week . . . white tulips for $3/bunchpurple carrots, and a rainbow of swiss chard.

And for a blogger like me, the Farmer's Market is a great source of inspiration. I find many of the fruits and vegetables you see in my posts from our local Farmer's Market. They're the base of many of the dishes you see. My favorite find is always fresh-cut flowers. I buy them every week, whether from the market or the Farmer's Market; but there's something extra special about the ones I find at the Farmer's Market. 

For me, the Farmer's Market is my home away from home. It's a source of inspiration and beauty . . . a connection that reminds me of my past and brings me joy. It's a simple tradition that I share with my little ones. I hope that as they grow, they too, will find enjoyment and inspiration here.

Where is your home away from home?


  1. I have been going to the Farmer's Market in my neighborhood every now and then but I was disappointed by the quality of food every time thus far, so I haven't quite made it my weekend rituals. I have to say the market looks exciting and the activities there are always stimulating but the quality of the food, I am not impressed at all. May be it's just the one in my neighborhood. I keep going back every now and then thinking may be my previous visit was just the wrong timing of the season, but so far, I haven't found anything that tastes good there...whether it's cooked food or vegetables and fruits, not yet.

    1. Hi Ordinary J, I'm bummed to read that you've been disappointed with the quality of food at your Farmer's Market. Have you tried visiting large ones? They tend to have more vendors, which means there's more for you to choose from. You're more apt to find a bigger range in quality, as well as prices. This link can help you find more Farmer's Markets . . . http://apps.ams.usda.gov/FarmersMarkets/
      Thanks for coming by.
      Have a great week,

  2. Hi Suzanne, You visited and left a comment on my blog and so now I'm here visiting you! I do love finding new blogging friends. Your photographs are beautiful, and it looks like you have a great Farmer's Market. I love how you put the carrots in the vase- an unexpected way to use carrots! Love your blog, and will be following.

  3. You are making me hungry. Love your photos as always.


  4. I love going to Farmers' Markets and getting all those wonderful fresh fruits and veggies, but seriously, the flowers are the best!

  5. Mouth watering and sigh inducing photos! Our Farmers Market won't open for another month or so and I can't wait.

    1. Hi Sandra, Thanks so much for coming by!
      We're so blessed to have access to local Farmer's Markets year-round. They're the BEST Spring, Summer and Fall though :0)
      Cheers to yours opening soon!
      Have a great week,

  6. It will be awhile until we see any fresh fruits and vegetables here ...but in the summer I frequent a farm ( used to pick berries there as a kid! ) and there is nothing better !

    love this post and photos :)

  7. Oh, I'm with you. I LOVE Farmers' Markets. Can't wait for them to start again around these parts! Loved your photos. Susan

  8. Bee-you-ti-ful photos! Found your blog on Wow Us Wednesdays and am now your newest follower vial email!

  9. I hope our little farmers market can some day carry the awesome food yours does. It's a real treat to go around the vendors with a basket and fill it with fresh fruits and vegetables.

  10. How I wish there were a Farmer's Market with the caliber of yours in my neighborhood. sigh.... your photos of all the wonderful food is amazing.


  11. I love a farmers market, each and everyone is unique.
    Visiting from Common Ground today.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. Suzanne, love this post! I adore farmers markets also. Priscilla contacted me as well, but I was out of town. May do a post down the road with my home away from home. Great job! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. Laguna Beach has a wonderful Farmer's Market on Saturday. I always have to pick up some empanadas for dinner because they are so delicious!

  14. Fantastic market! Those breads look amazing and all the fresh fruits and veggies...the peaches are making my mouth water. Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday...

  15. Look at all those luscious fruits and veggies! You must have a wonderful farmer's market. And oh my goodness, your photos are simply stunning, as always!

  16. Hi Suzanne - what a gorgeous post and I've had so much fun seeing all of the amazing photos! Thank you so much for sharing at Best of the Weekend - pinned! Hope you have a happy Sunday and a great week!

  17. Hi Suzanne!
    Love this post- beautiful pictures! I love Farmer's Markets! Thanks for the reminder- time to stop by my local ones!

  18. Anonymous6:09 AM

    What a great round up. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!

  19. Beautiful photo's! Would be great if you'd share your post over at Fishtail Cottage's Garden Party this upcoming Thursday. xoxo, tracie

  20. I wish we had a Farmer's Market like this nearby - marvelous, fresh fruits and vegetables - beautiful photos! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  21. Can't decide between being homesick for the market or if I am just hungry from all the yummy pictures!! We head to the one in Raleigh all the time, fab sea food restaurant there. Eat then walk among the booths and buy your fruits and veggies and head home to nap!

  22. Great pictures! Love it!
