Wednesday, May 28, 2014

home-made blueberry syrup

I was inspired to make this simple blueberry syrup after watching an episode of one of my new favorite cooking shows on the Food Network, called Farmhouse Rules. Nancy, the show's host, made a Blueberry Maple Syrup, which was even faster and easier to make than mine. 

Her recipe reminded me of one that I've made for several years now, and I thought I would share it with you. It's ingredients and preparation remind me of making jam, like here; except with blueberries instead of strawberries.

I typically make it in the Spring and Summer, and serve it on top of ice cream and home-made buttermilk pancakes & waffles. 

It's a wonderful syrup to have in your fridge for those evenings when friends stop by to relax and enjoy lingering Summer sunsets with you. 

It is during warm Spring and Summer months that keeping a gallon of quality Vanilla Bean ice cream in your freezer is a great idea . . . because serving a scoop of creamy, vanilla ice cream with warm blueberry syrup is a simple, yet delicious, dessert. 

I just love simple desserts, don't you?

Blueberry Syrup also pairs well with
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butter toasted pound cake
sweet rolls
pancakes & waffles
ice cream
a filling for lemon cupcakes 
lemon bundt cake

blueberry syrup
 .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .
2 cups fresh blueberries
1/3 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
 .     .     .     .     .     .     .     . 

Wash and crush blueberries. 
Add sugar, lemon juice, and salt. Mix well. 
In a small saucepan, bring blueberry mixture to a boil.
Boil for about 1-2  minutes, or until it slightly thickens. 
Remove from heat and add vanilla. 
Chill or serve warm


LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. This is a great recipe for me to use up all the big containers of blueberries I will be buying from Costco....

  2. I make one similar that's deliiiiicious with goat cheese and fresh berries on bread. Mmmmm.

  3. This looks wonderful!!! We have a bumper crop of blueberries each year, so I will be trying this for sure! Thanks, Suzanne!

  4. Oh yum, looks amazing. I can imagine it would be awesome over many things, pancakes in particular! Love blueberries, so I'm sure this syrup would be a real treat :-)
    Thanks for linking up to Marvelous Monday at Smart Party Planning. Hope to see you again next week :-)

  5. Yummy! We love blueberries too and I also love simple recipes like this so will definitely try this one! Thanks x

  6. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Sounds delicious and easy. Love the goat cheese and toast idea from Mindy's previous comment.

  7. Blueberries are a favorite fruit of one of my sons...this sounds and looks great! :) I think I'll pin this one! :)

  8. I have to try that! I also think it would be great with blackberries. Thanks so much for posting this recipe!

  9. Oh my this looks amazing and there's not much better than fresh blueberries. Carrie, A Mother's Shadow

  10. This looks really delicious! I love that it's fresh and homemade...thanks for sharing!

  11. Can't wait to make this! One of my daughters made a similar syrup and brought it to our family vacation to Lake Powell. It was delicious! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  12. Anonymous6:50 AM

    What are yummy syrup, perfect for drizzling on all kinds of things. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!! Laura@Baking in Pyjamas

  13. Oh that looks wonderful. Definitely PIN'g this!

  14. Well I love blueberries and ice cream, so this would be thoroughly enjoyed at my house! And it's so simple and pretty too!

  15. I so love this sauce and thanks for sharing with us at Best of the Weekend! Pinned to our party board!!
