Saturday, May 17, 2014

pink tulips and celebrating May

It's still Spring, friends!

If you live in Southern California then you might be questioning that statement . . . and I don't blame you.

Our recent temperatures in the high 90s and 100s left me wondering if I somehow missed the first day of Summer. So I looked at my calendar . . . and discovered that Summer doesn't officially begin until Saturday, June 21st!

Although our temperatures might be reflective of hot Summer days, my heart is still celebrating Spring. 

So when I found these gorgeous hot pink tulips, I fell in love.

Their bright, vibrant hue feels like Spring at its height of beauty

I hope you're taking time to enjoy the last few weeks of Spring, too.

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. Before I discover spring, I have been toasting in the summer already. I had never experienced a May this hot for my 10 years of being in Los Angeles. These past couple days were the first time I ever turned on an AC. Beautiful tulips!

  2. Tulips are absolutely beautiful, they are one of my favourite flowers. Beautiful display.
    As we are heading into winter, it is hard to imagine the heat right
    Thanks for linking up to Marvelous Monday at Smart Party Planning. Hope to see you again next week :-)

  3. Tulips are my favorite...gorgeous photos!!

  4. Dear Suzanne,
    yes, you're right. It's still spring and you have a lovely one! So very charming pictures!
    All the best and sunny days

  5. Hi Suzanne, you have beautiful floral arrangements! Everything is lovely. Found you on Amaze Me Monday!

  6. California weather seems to be similar to what we're experiencing in Georgia. Seems like Mother Nature forgot about spring and went straight for summer! LOL!! Gorgeous pictures as always, Suzanne!

  7. Yes, it's still spring! Love tulips, and you've captured these beautifully!

  8. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Simply Beautiful!
    Wanda@weekend wanderlust

  9. Very pretty ! :) I like the contrast between the tulips, pitcher and the mossy wreath...just lovely.

    We are finally HAVING spring here in Western PA, lol...a few perfect days in a row for a change :)

  10. Gorgeous photos. Tulips are one of my all-time favorite flowers. that I take a peak at your side-bar I want a big fat doughnut. Ahhh! Deb

  11. Beautiful pictures! I'm not sure it's even spring yet here in Washington :) Envious of your weather!

  12. Tulips have always been an all time favorite of mine and your are beautiful! Thanks so much for linking up at the Table it Monday Link party.

  13. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I love tulips, they look so pretty. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!

  14. I love Spring too! Spring and Fall are my faves :) And tulips just make me smile...such a pretty display!

  15. We are feeling the heat here in South Carolina too! But... we had a lovely weekend at the pool! ;)

    Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us at Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! Hope to see you again next Saturday morning starting at 8:00 am EST!

    ~ Ashley

  16. Spring is my favorite season and I want it to last as long as possible. Must confess that my décor will change to summer when June arrives. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  17. The tulips look gorgeous against the moss wreath and chalkboard - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  18. These photos are lovely - all the details are prefect. Just the right amount of tulips!
