Tuesday, August 26, 2014

a sunflower garden . . . and end-of-Summer zinnias

The little ones and I wrote an "end-of-Summer bucket list" . . . a list of things that we all want to do before school starts in early September.

Our list is simple . . . and includes things like . . .

decorate small frames with the seashells that we found at the beach a few weeks ago
stroll on the pier with corn dogs and lemonade (done!)
plant sunflowers (done!)
make fresh strawberry lemonade (done!)
and enjoy hot cocoa on the beach at sunset

It was our oldest daughter who asked if we could plant sunflowers.  They're her favorite flower . . . so it makes me happy to think that we could have a sunflower garden for her to admire into Fall.

Knowing that it's a little late in the season to plant them, I thought we would get a jump on this item first.

I'm so glad that we did, because we searched and searched for sunflower seeds . . . and had a difficult time finding any. We finally found 1 packet (the last one!) at Home Depot. The packet actually contained 4 varieties of sunflowers, which was perfect.

Everyone was able to pick their favorite sunflower (including me), which made this task even more fun.

The little ones and I prepped the dirt near the back fence with new soil and flower food, in hopes of giving these seeds a fighting chance.

They patiently helped . . . and LOVED dropping their seeds in the 20+ holes that I made for them.

We planted the seeds based on their height, in hopes that the sunflower garden will appear more lush and colorful.

While shopping for sunflower seeds, I found these beautiful zinnias!

Their colors remind me of the end-of-Summer, EARLY Fall. I've planted several around out patio and back yard . . . and just adore them.

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. Beautiful Suzanne! We planted zinnias in our flower beds this year and have enjoyed them so much. I've been clipping and clipping. :)

  2. Those Profusion Zinnias are great. They bloom nonstop all summer. You should save seeds for next year. They're super easy to start. Even if you're sowing them outside after the last frost. I do love me some zinnias.

  3. I haven't used Zinnias for a while and I don't know why? I did buy some this year and it renewed my love of them. I'm planning on saving seeds because they are easy to start. I'm tickled you like my secret garden sitting area, it truly is my most favorite spot in the garden where I spend a lot of time.

  4. So pretty, Suzanne! I like your end-of-summer bucket list. Hot cocoa on the beach at sunset sounds dreamy! How wonderful that you live close enough to do that!

  5. Your pictures are beautiful Suzanne. I never tire of coming to your site, my soul is rejuvenated and I find rest just being here. Thanks for sharing, keep up the great work.

  6. Your flower photos are beautiful!! I love zinnias and since we've had such a deer problem I've been discouraged about planting anything. I think I've come upon a formula that is protecting my plants. So far -- so good. Hopefully next year I'll be able to have some pretty flowers. Your photos are absolutely breathtaking -- you're a real inspiration!!

  7. Those zinnias are so pretty, they remind me of my mom, they were one of her favorites. Your end of summer bucket list is so sweet it will make great memories for your children. The sunflower bed will be so pretty. I look forward to seeing pictures when it's in bloom. Thanks so much for visiting me. You have a wonderful blog.

  8. I LOVE zinnias and all their beautiful colors. It is so sweet that you involved your children in planting the sunflowers. I bet they will be thrilled to see the fruits of their labors. Have a great weekend!

  9. Your zinnias are so pretty! Great idea that bucket list! I came over from amaze me Monday and I love your blog post! I wish I had planted some sunflowers and zinnias! You are making delightful memories! Dazee

  10. The zinnias are so bright and colorful, for some unknown reason I still have geraniums blooming since mine usually don't make it past July. I know your kids will enjoy see there sunflowers grow. Might try my luck with planting them next year. Great pictures of the flowers!

    Cathy <;)

  11. I love your beautiful flowers! How neat that you have zinnias. They are great for cutting for bouquets!



  12. I love zinnias. What a crop of beautiful blooms you have! My mom always had them and so have we except this year we just didn't get any planted. Next year! Linda

  13. Zinnias and sunflowers are two of my very favorites too! I love the bright, cheery colors and they totally capture the look of summer to me. What a fun way to celebrate the last days before fall arrives. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Your zinnias are lovely. This is the first year that zinnias have thrived in my garden and I love them.

  15. Stunning flowers. I used to plant sunflowers as a kid, and I should do it with my daughter....lots of fun and incredibly beautiful too.

    Thanks for sharing at Marvelous Monday on Smart Party Planning.

  16. Anonymous6:00 AM

    How lovely Suzanne, those flowers are beautiful. I do hope you share pictures of your sunflowers with us when they bloom. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!! Laura@Baking in Pyjamas

  17. Sun flowers are on my bucket list too...I even set a reminder so I wouldn't forget again (like I did this year) LOL The zinnias look gorgeous!
