Tuesday, September 16, 2014

a blog tour . . .

If you like to visit lots of blogs then you've probably seen this series featured around the web.

I've been invited a few times already by a few great women, but regretfully had to decline because "life" was too busy at that time, and I couldn't add another project to my plate.

And then recently my friend Katherine, author of Katherine's Corner, invited me to join the tour. With the busyness of back-to-school behind me, I thought I would join in on the fun too. 

This tour is a wonderful way to get to know more about the bloggers you follow . . . and learn about a few you might not know yet.

meet Katherine of Katherine's Corner

Katherine is a sweet & positive woman in blog land, that almost everyone knows.  She's the author of a website that's dedicated to making friendships, sharing recipes & crafts printables, and hosting giveaways.



You might remember when she invited me to be a Featured Guest on her blog earlier this year. I shared my favorite Fluffy Pancake recipe and Sunday family tradition, here.  

Always gracious and positive, she welcomes everyone to her site with beautiful photos and inspiration.

And if you, or someone you know, suffers from migraines, she has a wealth of information and migraine safe foods and recipes just for YOU.

Be sure to stop by and say Hi, here! 

As part of the tour, I'm invited to answer a few questions . . .

what am I working on now
Hello, Fall!
Like most people, I'm head-over-heels for this colorful season! 

I LOVE the cooler temperatures and all that comes along with it . . . cozy blankets, comfort foods,  roasted butternut squash, pumpkin-everything, spiced cider, and drives to the beach to watch the rain.

With all those wonderful things in mind, here are posts that I'm working on right now . . .

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early Fall decorating 
butternut squash pizza 
Autumn fallen salad
cocoa-streusel mini cakes
pumpkin quesadillas
pumpkin spice & white chocolate mug cakes
.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .

how does my work differ from others in its genre  

It's hard to find two blogs that are the same . . . and that's a good thing. 

We're all unique and bring our own thoughts to posts that we share with our readers. 

For me, I enjoy sharing pieces of our home life through what I'm baking and cooking . . . and simple decorating and entertaining ideas.  

Perhaps my favorite way to share my inspirations with you is through photos
I LOVE photography . . . and take upwards of 150+ photos a day. It might sound a little extreme, but I have 3 young children who I enjoy photographing . . . and I find beauty in darn near everything I see. So it is through my photos that I share our home life with you, in hopes that you find inspiration in what you see. 

why do I write what I do
Simply Suzannes at Home  is a 'personal' journal that I hope to publish into a book one day for my daughters. 

It's where I share my favorite recipes, our family traditions, easy entertaining ideas, decorating, and seasonal inspirations with friends, family, and readers (like you).  

I find so many of my favorites . . . my passions . . . right here at Home.  And I hope that our daughters can see through my posts and photos, that their Mommy enjoyed home life . . . baking, cooking, crafting, and entertaining. Perhaps they'll feel inspired to do the same with their families one day. 

&  PANCAKES, our Sunday morning tradition  & 

how does my writing process work

For me, it begins with photos. Taking photos is my favorite part of the whole process!

I create folders on my desktop with the photos that I've taken during the week - of recipes, crafts, entertaining, or decorating ideas that I want to share with you. Sometimes I jot my recipes and ideas down in my little brown book.

And it's when my little ones are napping, that I enjoy a cup of my favorite seasonal drink . . . and share my thoughts and recipes behind the photos. I try to share my posts within 5-7 of photographing and writing them.

my featured bloggers
Ok . . . First off, I think these girls are amazing. You can feel it when you read their posts and comments . . . and often see it in their photography. Their passion for life, food, and painting/refinishing is genuine . . . and therefore, beautiful. 

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I LOVE her blog's tagline . . .
My style follows my life: relaxed and well-worn, casual and classic, 
keeping things simple so there's room to enjoy the meaningful.
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And Nicki is just that.
I look forward to reading her posts because of the relaxed nature of her writing, 
her simple & thoughtful posts, and beautiful photography. 
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Nicki is genuine, and I appreciate that most about her;
and when I visit her blog ~ I feel like I'm visiting a long-time friend.
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Nicki's words from one of my favorite posts
 The Relationship between Work and Play
When my days feel like drudgery, I need that reminder, that attitude change, to just play.
To think of my housework as nesting, my yard work as gardening, my childcare as teaching, and my writing as storytelling. With this attitude, my challenges are puzzles to be solved, and my struggles are merely obstacles in a game.
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Sharon of Elizabeth & Co
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I love Elizabeth & Co's tagline, too . . . 
Take a deep breath, you're home!
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There is a darling home in Maryland that belongs to the girls of Elizabeth & Co
and Sharon is one of them. She's the voice and words behind the Elizabeth & Co blog
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 Sharon is an incredibly talented painter and transforms vintage furniture into beautiful pieces . . . and then sells them in her shop! You can see some of them here.
She breathes new life into the old . . . and her passion for what she does is infectious.
Her genuine kindness and support have always been appreciated. 
Sharon inspires me to transform my beloved pieces into something new!
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One of my favorite features of her website is her seasonal Garden parties.
If you follow me, then you know that I LOVE flowers, so it's always a treat when she hosts these gatherings! I enjoy the opportunity to see gardens and flowers from all over the world.
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Sharon's words from About me . . .
I love all things related to creating a warm and welcoming home.
My home is my haven, my sanctuary, my safe place to land. And it's a total work in progress!
I team up with the girls to host occasional vintage tag slaes.
We love refreshing, reusing and repurposing vintage treasures.
Transforming vintage furniture is our specialty.
.     .     .     .     .     .     .

I hope you enjoyed my blog land tour!

Thanks so much for coming by!

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. I am thoroughly enjoying the blog land tour! I'm discovering new blogs and getting to know some of my favorite people even better. Your blog Suzanne is such a treat for the senses - absolutely stunning photography, positive and encouraging words and mouth watering recipes! I don't know how you do it all, but now I see that you are super organized too. I always look forward to the inspiration I find here! ... Thanks so much for your kind words and for inviting me to join in the fun!

  2. I have enjoyed the tour through blogland. The only one I am familiar with is Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

    I am headed over the check them all out now.

  3. Those apple cookies are adorable! I always love your photos. And I didn't even bat an eye at the number you take on a daily basis. I'm the same way, which is why I consciously have to leave the camera sitting some days. Great blogger highlights, I'll have to pop in on them.

  4. Such a beautiful tour my friend. Thank you for your sweet words and continued bloggy friendship. You are a bright light and I love spending time on your blog. I loved the behind the scenes look at your blogging adventure too. I enjoyed this post so much and I look forward to visiting your featured bloggers too. xoxoxo

  5. pinned those amazing cookies ♥

  6. Thank you so much for the ultra-kind words! I am honored that you featured me. It was so fun to read about the process behind this amazing blog. I am looking forward to each of your fall posts; I know I will be totally inspired. Thanks again Suzanne!

  7. I enjoyed learning more about your writing process, Suzanne. Wow, 150 photos! Your photography is awesome and now I know why. Lots of experience :) I always enjoy your blog and look forward to visiting the ones you recommended!

  8. I enjoyed reading more about you and your blog. When I visit your blog I get comfortable with a cup of coffee because I know I'll be here for awhile. I love your photography. I think it's such a beautiful idea to turn your blog into a book for your daughters; something I know they would treasure always.

  9. What a great way to meet and greet other bloggers and your photos are absolutely amazing. Stopping by from Katherine's Corner.

  10. It's like looking through a magazine when I look at your photos - and I always leave wanting something - tonight it's a slice of that cake LOL

  11. Nice tour - so many beautiful pictures and ideas. :)

  12. Beautiful! I love hearing a little more of your back story and your love of photography. You are gifted in writing as well, Suzanne. You blog is a beautiful place and one I very much enjoy. Thanks too for introducing me to a few more lovely gals that I have not met.
    I'm so glad you shared the tour with us here at Project Inspire{d]!

  13. So lovely Suzanne and your photography is beyond words. I loved this little peak into your world today. Thank you for sharing.

  14. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this Suzanne - I have enjoyed your posts and know your book will be such an inspiration and treasure for your daughters - beautifully done! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and GArden Thursday,

  15. I found you via Sharon's blog tour post at Elizabeth & Co... and I'm so glad I did! You've created a beautiful spot here, and your photography is stunning. Happily following along!

  16. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I always love visiting your blog Suzanne, keep up the good work! Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!! Laura@Baking in Pyjamas

  17. What a great idea Suzanne. I love getting to know more about bloggers behind the blog, and this is an awesome way to do it.

    Thanks for sharing at Marvelous Monday on Smart Party Planning.
