Tuesday, July 29, 2014

watermelon and rose water

I'm excited to share this simple two ingredient Summer dessert with you.

All you need is one sweet watermelon and a few teaspoons of Rose Water.


Have you heard of Rose Water?

It's water scented with rose petals . . . a by-product of steam-distilling the crushed petals of roses.

It has a very distinctive flavor, and is heavily used in Persian and Middle Eastern cooking, especially in sweets like nougat and baklava.

I've seen in it used more and more in flavoring cookies and cakes.

You can find Rose Water in the International aisle of your market; and it costs approximately $3-10 per bottle, depending on where you buy it.

It smells like the sweetest and most fragrant of roses, and gives baked goods a "wow factor." You'll be asked over and over, "I can't figure it out. What is that flavor? It is so good." 

I'm not trying to make watermelon any better than it already is, because let's face it . . . a juicy, sweet watermelon is already amazing.

But if you want to elevate your watermelon to new heights, then try this simple addition . . . sprinkle rose water over your watermelon slices. Yum!

watermelon & rose water
.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .
watermelon, sliced
rose water
.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .
Slice watermelon into triangles or wedges. Spread on a platter.
Using a teaspoon, SPRINKLE (not drizzle) rose water over the watermelon, 
so that several drops of rose water land on each slice of watermelon.
Let sit for 5 minutes, and then ENJOY!

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. I've heard of rose water, but I've never seen it in the store. I'll be on the look out for it more often, because this sounds delicious.

  2. Who'da thunk it!? Adding to my list of things to try.

  3. What a clever idea! I'd never heard of rose water. Sounds refreshing!

  4. I'll have to look for rose water -- I love watermelon and your pictures make it look so incredibly refreshing and thirst quenching. Thank you for this wonderful idea -- your photos are fantastic.

  5. That sounds very refreshing. We'll soon have watermelon locally, and I'll give it a try. You're so right about the elusive taste of rose water.

  6. Watermelon makes for such a delicious and refreshing summer dessert. I have never thought of using rosewater with it. One to put on my list this summer!

    Thanks for sharing at Marvelous Monday at Smart Party Planning :-)

  7. Oh, I wished I would have seen this before I went to the store, I just bought a watermelon and I want to try this now! I've seen rose water in the store but have never tried it. Just a hint, watermelon is also good soaked with vodka or wine of choice, just sayin' ;)
    Julie@ Sweet and Spicy Monkey

  8. Sounds delightful! Thanks for sharing the idea!

  9. Sounds refreshing!

  10. I have heard of rose water, but didn't realize they used it in cooking. I bet it does give the melon a deliciously sweet flavor! I'll be looking for some at our grocers. thanks for sharing with SYC.

  11. Anonymous5:57 AM

    How summery and refreshing. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!! Laura@Baking in Pyjamas

  12. I have never seen rose water in the store...but I am going to look in some of our specialty stores for it! Thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. I happen to have rose water from a recipe leftover and a big watermelon. Need to try this out. Pinned.

  14. You come up with the best combinations, and most intriguing ingredients. This sounds completely refreshing. Thank you SO much for joining Pin Your Friday Favorite!

  15. I bought rose water for a recipe, then never knew what else that I could do with it...now I know! I will have to give this a try. :)

  16. Very interesting, I will have to pick up some Rose Water. Thank you for this tip!
