Monday, August 18, 2014

finding a little peace again . . .

I've been away for awhile . . . It feels like it's been weeks since I've shared a new post with you.

We've been so busy the last few weeks with family visiting from out-of-state, beach outings, catering jobs, and then my mom's Annual Summer Family Gathering.

I'm looking forward to settling back into our peaceful home life after a busy few weeks.

I've found myself venturing into our patio in the early morning and late evening hours the last few days . . . soaking in the quiet, breathing in the cool air, and admiring the flowers the I've tended to throughout these warm Summer months.

What a wonderful way it has been to begin, and end, my day . . . cozy in our wicker chairs, accompanied by a few of my favorite magazines, and breathing in the quiet.

How do you find a little peace in your day?


I've taken a lot of food and entertaining photos over the last few weeks . . . and I'm hoping that now that life has settled down again, that I'll have a little extra time to write new posts and share a few new, great recipes with you. It's feels good to be back!

~ Anthropologie mugs filled with sunflowers 
have been our al fresco dining centerpieces the last few weeks ~

~  As much as I am trying to honor these end-of-Summer weeks,      
I couldn't resist browsing through on of my favorite Fall reads. ~

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. Good to have you back, Suzanne! I've missed you! :) Your patio looks gorgeous and very peaceful. It must smell great with all those roses, too!

  2. I love your flower vignettes always~

  3. You always have the most amazing photos. I love them. And you know, my peace is in the garden.

  4. Suzanne, it is all so lovely. You have so much talent.


  5. Good thoughts and beautiful photos! I know what it's like to have visitors- first you can't wait and after a while you can become bewildered! Now you can kick back and remember the good times. Love the color of those sunflowers!

  6. Suzanne,
    The photo of the Sunflowers drew me to this post!
    I L O V E Sunflowers!!!
    Like you, life has been rather hetic.
    Looking forward to Autumn. . .my favorite season of the year. . .
    and our upcoming Annual Trout Fishing Trip.
    Where I can linger in the mornings, silently and alone on the upper deck of the condo.
    Evening strolls along the spring with "Mr. Ed" and late coffee talks until the fireflies
    signal it is time to come indoors for the evening.
    Thank you for the gentle reminder that in each season, we can find peace. . .

  7. Beautiful photos. I love the sunflowers. . gorgeous. Enjoy some peaceful time at home. Thank you for the beautiful post. Karie

  8. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Here's hoping you're making the most of some time off after all your hard work. Thank you for sharing this post x

  9. My peace is brought to me through my computer. The kids are away at school and Mr. Sexy at work that leaves just me and my dogs. Love it and I can sit in front of the computer with no distractions! Lovely photos!


  10. Your sunflowers are so beautiful! thanks for sharing them!

  11. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Your photos and words are very relaxing and lovely! Thank you for sharing, I'm visiting over from Katherine's Korner!

  12. Beautiful photos, Suzanne! Those yellow daisies are so pretty. Enjoy your peace and quiet!...Christine

  13. I would love to sit and ponder on those wicker chairs. It looks so cosy!

    Thanks for linking up to Marvelous Monday on Smart Party Planning :-)

  14. I find peace by spending away from all the things I am supposed to do, and focusing on what is really important.

  15. Beautiful photos! So restful indeed! Lovely.

  16. It is lovely to have peaceful moments when you've been so busy - and I too am looking at fall ideas - all the while treasuring the last few fleeting moments of summer...I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  17. What an absolutely gorgeous post. We have been so busy this summer and I am looking forward to peaceful moments too. Thank you so much for sharing this at Motivation Monday!

  18. Beautiful pictures! It was a nice escape looking at all the beauty!

  19. I also love this time of year when we can slow down, take a breath and enjoy the peace around us. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful photos with us at Share It One More Time. Cathy

  20. I feel relaxed just looking at your photos! Thanks so much for linking at On Display Thursday. I am really glad you did! - Bre @ Average But Inspired

  21. I've got a front porch swing where I getaway. It's so peaceful out there. Until the littles find me! ;)

    So happy to have you back! Thanks for sharing on SHOWLicious!
    ~ Ashley

  22. In the quiet moments - listening to the birds, the wind in the trees and watching the cats interact. A cup of coffee or tea is always at hand - it's really good to seek those quiet moments - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
