Thursday, August 21, 2014

my Keurig . . . and an Italian Roast affogato

My sister bought me a Keurig for my birthday, and I couldn't have been more excited!

She bought me the K-10 Mini Plus, which is a personal-size brewer. It's great, because she's knows that I'm not a fan of leaving appliances out on the counter-top (except for my Kitchen Aid. I use it almost every day!). So its small enough to tuck away in the corner, or back into the cupboard. Perfect. Perfect.


She also bought me 'The Entertainer' box, which includes 48 cups that range from light to dark roast coffees, hot chocolate, and herbal teas!

I was so surprised (and excited) to see that Keurig brews hot chocolate and cider!! We're big hot cocoa drinkers in the Winter. They're so much fun to enjoy with flavored creamers and marshmallows.

And tea . . . I love relaxing with a cup of herbal tea at sunset.

So even if you're not a coffee drinker, it's hard to dismiss this amazing little machine. It can brew just about anything in less than 2 minutes. I love mine!!

We've entertained quite a bit this Summer, so I've been a big fan of simple desserts . . . especially in the heat. Here have been a few of my favorites . . .

.     .     .     .     .     .     .
sliced Sherlyn melon with a scoop of raspberry sorbet
root beer floats & Weinhard Black Cherry floats
& affogatos
.     .     .     .     .     .     .

I shared a few of these favorites in posts throughout the Summer. I love that they're so easy to assemble, with little to no baking involved . . . and yet they're refreshing and so good!

Affogatos are new on my list of favorites!

The most well known espresso-based 'dessert' drink is Italy's . . . affogato. Some versions add whipped cream, or even liqueur ~ like amaretto.

I had one for the first time while vacationing in Peru several years ago. Although affogatos didn't originate from there, many countries have a very similar coffee-based 'dessert.'

Side note . . .
I recently had lunch at CHADO's in Los Angeles and they serve a similar 'dessert' drink, but with a Madagascar Vanilla Bean Tea (instead of coffee), a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and a dollop of clotted cream . . . Oh. my. goodness. It was so good.

Since I'm not a fan of espresso, I like to make mine with a full-bodied Italian Roast. 

They're so simple to prepare! Here's my version . . . .

Italian Roast affogato
.     .     .     .     .
Italian Roast coffee
quality vanilla bean ice cream
chocolate covered espresso beans, chopped (optional)
.     .     .     .     .

.     .     .     .     .
brew Italian Roast, pour into a small pitcher or carafe
scoop a generous dollop of vanilla bean ice cream into a shallow cup or bowl
slowly pour hot Italian Roast coffee over the ice cream
sprinkle chopped chocolate covered espresso beans on top
Serve with a spoon . . . and enjoy!
.     .     .     .     .

This has quickly become a favorite dessert for me. Not just because it's so fast and easy to make . . . but because I love the combination of the rich, creamy vanilla bean ice cream with a light hint of a full-bodied coffee bath.

Add a few chopped chocolate covered espresso beans for added yumminess . . . and you have you a . . . sigh . . . deliciously, unique dessert.

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. This would be a wonderful dessert to enjoy after dinner! That little Keurig is so cute and I would enjoy working my way through the Entertainer's Box, too!

  2. I love affogato and could not live without my Kerurig coffee pot--it is so convenient and I love all the different coffee and tea blends

  3. I don't drink coffee at all, but I do enjoy affogato....strange hey! It's nice to have something a little bit different.

    Thanks for linking up to Marvelous Monday on Smart Party Planning :-)

  4. Oh my goodness Suzanne. This dessert looks lovely. I love all the different ways one can use a Keurig. I had never thought of using it for dessert! Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for linking up at Foodie Fridays this week.

  5. That looks delicious, Suzanne! I would have never thought to do something like that. And I love my Keurig too, especially for hot chocolate in the winter! Thanks for joining us at Foodie Fridays!

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I only tried affogato a few month's back and I absolutely love it. We recently got a coffee machine too, it's great having one isn't it?! Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!! Laura@Baking in Pyjamas

  7. This sounds amazing - I am a coffee addict and anything made with coffee is at the top of my list. Thank you so much for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

  8. That looks delicious! Thanks for sharing at On Display Thursday, come again!
    -Leia @ Eat It & Say Yum

  9. This is my absolute favorite dessert - love it! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  10. When you're sleepy and under-caffeinated, the last thing you want is a keurig problems that it's not working.

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