Tuesday, September 23, 2014

home-made chicken stock

Home-made chicken stock might be one of the easiest . . . and most rewarding . . . things you can make in your kitchen.

During the Summer months I buy roasted chickens and add the meat to salads, enchiladas, quesadillas, and soups.

Not only do I get multiple meals from one roasted chicken, but when I'm done picking the meat from it . . . I add the bones (and whatever meat is still on it) to a large stockpot, along with a ton of vegetables and herbs . . . and then simmer it for several hours. 

The aroma of simmering stock is amazing . . . and sends your senses to a happy place.

I make a lot  of chicken stock through the Summer months, and then bag and freeze for Fall and Winter soups and stews. 

Store bought stock doesn't hold a candle to the home-made stuff. Wouldn't you agree?

It's more rich and flavorful than the ones you buy in a box or can, and the layers of flavors found in home-made stock can elevate soups and stews to a whole new level.

Honestly, home-made chicken stock is so good, that you can heat it - sprinkle with fresh salt and pepper - and enjoy it straight out of a mug . . . with nothing in it. It's that good!

If you've never made home-made chicken stock, then I hope this post inspires you to make some the next time you have a roasted chicken and vegetables on hand.

And if you have made stock before, then I hope this post reminds you how amazing it is . . . and inspires you to make some for future Fall and Winter pots of soup or stew. 

home-made chicken stock
.     .     .     .     .
1 (5-pound) roasting chicken
1 large yellow onion, unpeeled and quartered
2 carrots, unpeeled and halved
3 stalks celery with leaves, cut into thirds
10 sprigs fresh parsley
10 sprigs fresh thyme
10 sprigs fresh dill
6-8 cloves garlic, unpeeled and cut in 1/2 crosswise
1 Tablespoons salt
1 teaspoons whole black peppercorns
.     .     .     .     .

Place the chicken, onions, carrots, celery, parsnips, parsley, thyme, dill, garlic, and seasonings in a large stockpot. 
Add 7 quarts of water and bring to a boil. 
Simmer, covered, for 4+ hours.
 Strain the entire contents of the pot through a colander and discard the solids. 
Chill the stock overnight. 
The next day, remove the surface fat. 
Use immediately or pack in containers (or double ziplock bags) and freeze for up to 3 months.

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. I have a couple chickens in the freezer. I have one on our meal plan this week, and can't wait to make stock for a chicken and dumpling dinner next month. Mmmmm.

  2. Dumb question...can canning jars go into freezer and not crack? I want to make stock for sure! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Babs, Thanks for coming by!
      I've had success freezing my broth in jars and double zip-lock bags (for flat storage).
      A few tips though . . . ladle the broth into the jars after it's cooled to room temperature, and leave 1 to 2 inches of head room so that the broth has room to expand when it freezes.
      It's best to thaw the jars (as needed) in your refrigerator over-night. I hope that helps!
      Happy Fall!

    2. Thanks Suzanne. Bought a roaster yesterday and headed to the farmers market in a few minites to gather farm fresh veggies amd herbs. Thamk you so much for this awesome idea.

  3. Suzanne, your stock is wonderful. I just made some a couple weeks ago - I attribute it to making me well when I caught a bug. I had been tossing my carcasses and now I am so ashamed. The roasted bones make for such flavorful chicken stock and it is almost free. As I said before love the pictures.


  4. I love making homemade chicken stock. I too agree that it is so much better than anything you can buy. Your chicken stock recipe sounds amazing. I like the fresh dill that you add to it, I have never tried this, but I like the sound of it.

  5. I love soups and fall is the time to start making them. I'm sure yours are amazing with such a delicious base!!

  6. Nothing beats homemade chicken stocks:)

  7. There is nothing quite like homemade chicken stock! It smells so great as it is simmering, too. Somehow, ours never quite makes it into the freezer because I end up using it right away. I love how yours looks stored in the mason jars.

  8. What a perfect time of year to have stock simmering on the stove. Last year I did a very similar post because as I was preparing everything to simmer I thought, this is just too pretty not to share pics of. The grocery store roasted chickens are one of man's best creations! So versatile and being able to make stock from the remains is the icing on the cake.
    Great beautiful post!

  9. Love, love this post! Perfect for this time of the year.

  10. Of course you make your own chicken stock!!! You are simply the best! You blog is my favorite. You are so inspiring!

  11. Great idea I will have to try this thanks for sharing!

  12. I definitely agree that homemade chicken stock is way more delicious and nutritious than anything from the store! I was really wishing I had some yesterday, but I just can't work up the motivation to get my kitchen all hot and steamy for so long. We're stationed in Hawaii until next year and we don't have a/c, so using the stove and oven can be intense! Visiting from Create it Thursday. =)

  13. There is nothing quite better than stock that you make yourself. It is 100 times better than anything store bought. Thanks for sharing this at Marvelous Monday on Smart Party Planning.

    This was one of our readers favourites this week and will be featured next week :-)

  14. Anonymous3:45 AM

    I've never made homemade chicken stock before, I'll be sure to keep this in mind. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!! Laura@Baking in Pyjamas

  15. Hi, I saw this over at #MarvelousMonday linky. I love all the herbs you used in this. Pinning! Have you linked this up to #theWeekendSocial party. I'd love to see this there. Thursday 9:00 PM EST! http://www.theKitchenChopper.com

  16. We make our own chicken stock/bone broth and couldn't imagine using anything else now. What a difference it makes!

    Thanks so much for sharing your kitchen goodness with us Project Inspire{d}!

  17. Yes, I agree - one of the most rewarding things you can make. It's amazing how much better homemade is compared to the stuff in the grocery store. And it's so simple too! Thanks for linking up to Show Me Saturday! Hope to see you there next week.

  18. We belong to a chicken CSA and our chickens always get double duty. I used the chicken we roasted for my chicken enchiladas the other day and then we turned around and made a soup out of it yesterday. I do need to get in the habit of freezing more of it though. My chicken CSA is ending soon for the season, but fortunately I still have a bunch in the freezer!
