Monday, October 27, 2014

the cutest witch West of Oz

I have a hard time buying pre-made costumes without embellishing and accessorizing them.

So when our oldest daughter, Charley, told me that she wanted to be a witch this year, I couldn't have been more excited. And thankfully, it didn't take too much coaxing to get her on board with assembling a witch costume, rather than buying a pre-packaged one.

It might take more time to 'assemble' a costume(s), but it's so much fun personalizing them to my kids' personalities.

Embellishing a simple witch costume can be as easy as . . .

adding metallic star strands to a simple witch broom (see first photo),
trimming a witch hat with black feathers, spiders, or even a crow,
making your own candy bag,
and accessorizing with spider rings and costume make-up

Charley's costume began with this hat (above). She loved that it was both - spooky and fun.

And from there, we found this sweet purple petti-coat, black-and-white striped stockings (because what's a witch without striped stockings), and this cute printed shirt.

Every good witch has a companion CAT, and because her little sister decided to be a TIGER instead of a black cat this year - that left Charley without a companion CAT.

So . . . while hunting for a shirt for her costume, I came across this one. It's a perfect match . . . and is darling under her black cape.

This is the FIRST year that our little ones want me to paint their faces. I can't wait to transform their sweet little faces into a TIGER, a green WITCH, and a skeleton.
               What will your little ones be this Halloween?


LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. Suzanne
    What a fun costume. I remember these days first homemade costume was for our then 2 year old. I made a furry bunny costume for him, his younger brother wore it a few years later. I loved making costumes, it added to the holiday.
    Happy upcoming Halloween.

  2. This is precious! I hope you'll post a picture of all three of them with their costumes and painted faces. How cute!!

  3. Awe, she is adorable. My children are now men so those days of costumes are long gone and it is bittersweet. I am embracing the fact that I have more time to dedicate to getting my front porch all ready for trick or treaters AND preparing for the adult after party :-) Always turn lemons into lemonade!
    Thanks for sharing and have fun making your children's costumes.

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Very cute!
