Friday, May 9, 2014

a "tea party" with my little girls

I couldn't think of a better weekend to share this post again. 

Happy Mother's Day, friends!

One of my greatest blessings is being a mom . . .

                 . . . a mom to 4 beautiful children.

Truth be told, I was fearful when I found out that we were going to have a little girl 6 years ago.

But if I knew then, what I know now . . . I would've only smiled with sheer delight.

We were not only blessed with 1 little girl, but 2! 

And they are amazing . . . beautiful . . . and loving . . . sweet . . . and oh so lovely.

What a wonderful gift we were given to raise two little ladies.

                                          Miss Charlotte                                Miss Lauren Jane

I recently felt inspired to have a Spring Tea Party with my girls.



Oh what fun we had!

~ our menu ~

Raspberry Lemonade
with fresh lemon & mint

Miette's Double Chocolate Cupcakes
topped with Chocolate Ganache 

Petite Chocolate Cakes
glazed with Chocolate Ganache

Chocolate Truffles 
with sprinkles


There's something magical about dressing up in your favorite Spring dress, sitting at a beautifully set table, and enjoying a relaxing visit with your daughters (friends, loved ones) over sweet treats and lemonade (or tea).

With sunshine flooding our dining room, Miss Charlotte, Miss Lauren, and I sat together for a spot of  "raspberry lemonade."

~ pink sugar rimmed tea cups ~ 

I suspended several tissue paper decorations over our table.

They were quite beautiful when the sunlight shown through them.



They made our "tea time" experience extra special.

The girls led our chit-chat.

We talked about our favorite colors and candy, baking, and pretty sprinkles.


Miss Charlotte loved the white china . . .

                       . . . and I loved getting to share with her that Honey (her grandma)
              gave them to me when I got married to daddy.

                        . . . and that it was Honey's china first. It was a gift to her from her mom
              when she got married.

Miss Charlotte so lovingly inquired,
"Mama, can you give them to me when I get married?"

I heard my heart sing.

And our sweet Miss Lauren Jane. . .

I couldn't be more proud of her innocent enthusiasm to join in the fun.

Have you ever seen a two-year-old hold a tea cup so well!?!

We giggled and laughed . . .

              . . . and laughed and giggled.


The laundry didn't get done that day; 
           nor did the vacuuming, or the dishes.


Instead, I spent the afternoon playing "Tea Party" with my little girls.

      . . . and I'm so glad that I did! 

I hope that our "Tea Party" inspires you to have one too!

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. Hola, I finded you blog from your post pink lemonade, I love tea too. Your table setting is lovely. You are welcome to my blog when you like.

  2. Oh my word, this is totally amazing and so precious. How wonderful to set such a lovely tea table and have a grown up teaparty with your girls. They are adorable. You are making tons of memories for them. I love it. I would also love it if you would link up to my Inspire Me party that is ongoing .
    Hugs, Marty

  3. Oh how I loved hearing about your delightful tea party! Taking the time to be so creative with your be present with them and enjoy them. It is the best! They will remember.
    Everything looks beautiful. I love the pink sugar edged white tea cups! And pink lemon aid! Perfect choices for such sophisticated ladies.

  4. What a lovely tea party! Everything looks perfect. My favorite is the pink sugar edged tea cup. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  5. How simply Divine!!!! I do believe that Alice and the Mad Hatter will be joining you the next time!!! Hugs and TFS!!!

  6. So pretty and fun! Can't wait to do this with my daughter one day!

  7. Obsessed with this post!! You were FEATURED on Work it Wednesday!! Make sure to come check it out and link up again!

    xo, amy

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for featuring my "tea party!"
      Have a great week,

  9. How Precious - Such sweet little girls. I just stopped by after visiting The Style Sisters post. I am so glad I did. You are a special Mom and someday your little girls will host a tea party for their daughters just like their Mom did for them. Love it.
    And Oh Yea, Beautiful table too. I especially love the flower arrangement and your special china. Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Candy!

      Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a kind comment.
      I hope you come back again for a visit . . . and perhaps a cup of tea ;0)
      Have a beautiful week,

  10. A cup of tea, sweet treats, and a lovely spring dress – that was, indeed, a wonderful bonding moment with your daughters. I like how such a simple activity can bring so much joy to everyone. Sipping tea while chatting with your friends or loved ones is definitely a great way to relax!

    Kevin Walls @ TeaLife

  11. Beautiful party, yummy treats and such beautiful girls! I would love a cuppa with you all next tea party!

  12. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon! Everything looks beautiful and delicious. And your girls are just so sweet! Happy Mother's Day!

  13. This is so adorable!!! I love having tea-parties!!!!

  14. Awww, this is precious and priceless! I love having my little girl...she's 25 now but still my baby to do so many fun things with! She had lots of tea parties with her grandma. The memories are priceless! Thanks so much for sharing it with us! :) Happy Mother's Day!

  15. This is just beautiful! Your girls are precious and they're so lucky to have a great mom like you! Happy Mother's Day! :-) Dawn @ 730 Moments

  16. You always do such lovely things! What a sweet moment with your girls.

  17. Absolutely gorgeous table and girls! I just wrote a post on letting the dishes pile up while you enjoy your children! Mine are much older and will be leaving my nest in a few short years, so I am trying to soak up every minute with them! We used to do tea parties just like this and I am so glad that I did...the dishes keep getting dirty, but the kids won't stay small! Happy Mother's Day! :)

  18. What a beautiful day with your children and your table and desserts are gorgeous (as well as your girls)! Stopping by from What'd You Do this Weekend.

  19. That is the sweetest thing ever! Those little smiles...totally adorable!
    If you'd like I am having a link party that all is required is a table in your post. I'd love for you to join us!

  20. Brilliant - what a lovely wonderful way to spend your day...making a Little Ladies Tea a part of their very best memories. Well done - everything is so perfect.

  21. Every little thing about this is awesome. And a good reminder to me that I need to make things like this happen more often for my own kids. So sweet.

  22. So sweet and precious! What a wonderful time!

  23. That is still a beautiful table and beautiful little girl smiles. Thanks so much for linking up with the Table It Link Party, it meant a lot to me!

  24. Oh wow, this tea party is simply amazing. I'm not sure who would have had more or the girls?! What a special thing to do with your daughters.
    Would love you to link up to our linky party :-)

    1. Thanks for linking up your beautiful party :-) It's great to see you there!

  25. Oh my!! I cannot get over how lovely your tea party looks! I'm sure it will be a cherished memory for your girls when they are older. It is so sweet that you shared some of your conversation with us :)

    Your blog is absolutely beautiful. I found you through the Be, You, tiful link up party.

  26. are the best mom! I remember having a cocoa party with my mom when I was a little girl with my china tea set. It made my week!! But...your tea party! Oh my!! What beautiful memories you created with your daughters.

    Thanks for sharing your special day and your sweet daughters with us at Project Inspired{d}! I'm already looking forward to what you have up your sleeve for next week!

  27. Your girls are just precious Suzanne! The tea was just perfect for a fun day spent together. I loved the décor and gorgeous flowers! Special memories for sure. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  28. What an absolutely beautiful tea party and what a wonderful day! I love all the sweet decor, and I love the sugar-rimmed tea cups too!
    Featuring you on Project Inspire{d} tonight (Monday 5/19). Thanks so much for linking up and hope you'll join in again!

  29. How lovely. I bet you all had such a wonderful day. I love the sugar rimmed teacups and the flowers look beautiful.
    From a fellow Suzanne xx

  30. What a stunning post and what a wonderful party! I've just pinned this and shared on Facebook. Thanks so much for sharing your post and special memories at the Say G'Day Saturday link up!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  31. What a sweet treat for your darling girls! And, the gumballs are divine! Thanks for hosting!

  32. Hey Sweet Friend! I love this special party to had with your girls! Thanks so much for partying with us at Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party!

    ~ Ashley
