Monday, May 12, 2014

haricot jaunes with shallots & lemon

I love fruits and vegetables!

One of my favorite weekly 'chores' is shopping for fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Haricot verts are always at the top of my list. I buy at least 2-4 pounds of them every week, and eat them almost every day. You could easily say that they're my favorite vegetable.

Haricot Verts are green French beans. They're long, slender . . . and tender. Yum! These are the ones that I buy every week.

Haricot Jaunes, on the other hand, are baby yellow French beans.  I start looking for them in late Spring through early Summer, because this is when they're harvested and brought to specialty and farmer's markets.


They're crunchy, sweet, and a soft shade of yellow . . . and make a beautiful side dish to any Spring or Summer meal.

I was lucky enough to find them this week, so I prepared them my favorite way . . . with shallots, lemon, Italian parsley, and olive oil. It's so simple . . . yet so light, bright & flavorful, and delicious.

I'm so grateful for Spring and all the gorgeous fruits & vegetables it brings to our local markets!

What's your favorite Spring-time vegetable?

a simple recipe for 
Haricots Jaunes

Blanch (or steam) 12 ounces of Haricot Jaunes, drain and pat dry.
Heat 2 Tablespoons olive oil in a skillet.
Add 1 diced shallot and blanched beans, saute 4-5 minutes over medium heat.
Remove from heat and toss with 2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice, zest of half a lemon, and 1 Tablespoon chopped Italian parsley.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper, to taste. 
Serve warm. Enjoy!

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. I've never noticed them in the market, but next time I will be sure to search for them Your recipe looks delicious. Your pictures are always so beautiful!!

  2. They're beautiful! Our neighborhood farmers market opens the first weekend of June and I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. It's our ritual to walk to it with the kids every Sunday. I can't wait for the scapes!

  3. I never had these yellow beans before, they surely look very refreshing.

  4. The recipe looks delicious. I also love fresh vegetables - especially if they are not overcooked. Your photos are amaaaaaazing. You are very talented. I'm still working on trying to get the food to look as good as it is. You make it look easy ---- but I know it's not. I really enjoy your blog.

  5. These look great! I haven't had any yellow beans in a long time and your pictures are helping me to remember how much I like them! I love the Farmer's Market, but I don't go nearly enough. I need to do that more this summer!

  6. I love green beans, especially eaten raw. They are full of flavour. I have not seen these yellow ones in our stores tho...but it looks like a fantastic recipe.

    Thanks for linking up to Marvelous Monday at Smart Party Planning. Hope to see you again next week :-)

  7. Oh these looks delicious. I definitely need to make some. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  8. what a gorgeous summer dish!

  9. divine!! Thank you for sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. Your participation helps to make it extra special ♥

  10. I may make these this weekend! They sound perfect. Thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog hop!!

  11. I am going to have to head down to the market and look for those beans...such a wonderful color they'd go great with the purple potatoes they sometimes have....which I love!

  12. Anonymous10:09 AM

    This looks delicious and I love how healthy it is. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!

  13. I agree, fresh fruits and vegetables are the best! Thank you for sharing this with us!! :)

  14. I love fruits and vegetables too! I often buy the long French green beans, but have not had these yummy yellow ones. Look delish! Will be looking for them now. Thanks for sharing them with SYC.

  15. Just beautiful photography on this! Thanks for linking up to HSH!

  16. Oh, my! These look amazing - I'm going to look for them! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
