Tuesday, May 13, 2014

fresh blueberry & mint lemonade

One of the great things about late Spring and Summer is the abundance of gorgeous fruits and vegetables that you can found at local markets and Farmer's Markets.

There are staples that I buy every week, and fresh berries (and haricots verts) is one of them.

You could say that we're a berry family! We all have a favorite. 

My oldest and youngest daughters love blueberries and eat them every day (no kidding!); and our youngest son loves strawberries and eats them every day too!  For me, it's all about blackberries. I would eat them every day if I could get my hands on ripe juicy ones year round. 

I look for ways to add them to our drinks and desserts all the time. 

Last year, I made this aaammazing blackberry mint lemonade. If you haven't tried it yet, then you must! 

A recent heat wave (temps in the high 90s, ugh!) sparked another lemonade make-over, and this time I used frozen blueberries and fresh mint. My goodness, it was good! 

The mint adds an incredible freshness to it, and the specks of blueberries are quite pretty dancing in the lemonade. Oh, and the color . . . it's so pretty . . . almost fuchsia. 

I made a quick batch of lemon crumble cookies to accompany the fresh lemonade, and we enjoyed a picnic in the shade.  It was a easy & fun prelude to Summer days!

a simple recipe for 
blueberry lemonade
.     .     .     .     .     .
3 cups water
1 cup sugar
18 mint leaves, torn
2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
3 mint sprigs
4 cups natural store-bought lemonade
mint sprigs

Bring the water and sugar to boil in a small pot. Stir the water/sugar mixture until the sugar is dissolved then turn off the heat. Add the torn mint leave and give the pot a stir. Allow the simple syrup to cool.

Add the blueberries to a blender. Place a strainer over the mouth of the blender and pour the mint simple syrup into the container. Discard the mint leaves. 

Blend the simple syrup and the blueberries on low speed for just a few seconds at a time, just enough to break the berries apart, but not enough to puree them.

Fill a juice pitcher halfway with ice and add the mint sprigs. Pour the lemonade and the blueberry mixture over the ice. Stir the blueberry mint lemonade and add more ice if necessary before serving.


LET'S STAY in touch!



  1. This is the beverage I need for a hot day like today!!

  2. Sounds delicious - and would be yummy with vodka, too. :0)

  3. Your pictures are fantastic!! Your recipes also sound delicious and I am dying to try them. I tried to write to your email but I got a response that it was full :-( Your flower pictures are also very beautiful.

  4. Oh, yummy! What wonderful images!!! Your blueberry mint lemonade sounds fabulous and so does your cookies!

  5. Oh Suzanne, it's joy to see your pictures, how wonderful is the result!!!!
    Have a wonderful time
    All the best

  6. I've never made lemonade before, let alone berry lemonade. Looks delish! Great recipe to follow.
    Thanks for linking up to Marvelous Monday at Smart Party Planning. Hope to see you again next week :-)

  7. This lemonade looks so yummy and your photos are lovely. pinning to try. found at inspire me mondays Have a wonderful week.

  8. This sounds yummy! My son loves blueberries too and they're so healthy. x

  9. I have been trying so many different ways to stay away from soda...THIS looks great. PIN'd it and I am going to try it!
    Thanks so much for linking up with me at http://www.rustic-refined.com/ Table It Party!

  10. This looks very refreshing Suzanne and the cookies are a perfect go with.

  11. This looks amazing!! Like something you'd get at a restaurant. Wonderful photos!

  12. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I'm pinning this, it looks delicious and sounds so refreshing. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!

  13. Mmmmm.....perfect for this hot...not quite summer night!!

    Thanks so much for sharing your lemonade recipe with us at Project Inspire{d}!! Can't wait to see what you bring to the party on Monday night!!


  14. Ooo! We are going blueberry picking in a few weeks and there is mint in my garden! Can't wait to make this refreshing drink! Pinning!

    Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us at Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! Hope to see you again next Saturday morning starting at 8:00 am EST!

    ~ Ashley

  15. Sounds delicious! I love all berries, but raspberries have to be my number one! Pinning this drink. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. Blueberries and lemons were meant to be together - yum! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  17. Oh My this looks delicious! And my blueberries are just about ripe! Can't wait to try this. I found you via Savvy Southern Style! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Could seriously use a delicious drink like this.. it's hot here in NY. Pinned.
