Tuesday, May 12, 2015

vanilla sugar

Vanilla sugar is part of a home-made gift series that I'm sharing this week on the blog.

We celebrated our children's amazing teachers last week during Teacher Appreciate Week.

The PTA organized the week so that the Teachers would be treated to something special every day . . . breakfast on Monday, special days dedicated to bringing flowers and candles, and then lunch on Friday.

I wanted my little ones to bring home-made gifts. There's something extra special about the thought that goes into making something for someone. We made vanilla sugar, ROSE Vanilla Bean sugar cookies, and Orange Tarragon Syrup for our Teachers.

I hope that all the teachers felt spoiled, as I appreciate their hard work and dedication so much. My kids have amazing teachers . . . and I am so grateful to them for providing such a supportive and caring environment for which to learn.

There's something special about going the extra mile and adding fresh vanilla to your recipes, especially when vanilla is your primary flavor.

I started making my own vanilla sugar a few years ago. You can imagine my excitement when I learned how easy it was to make my very own.  See directions below.

I couldn't imagine not having vanilla extract or vanilla sugar, as I add them to almost everything I bake, including lemon and chocolate desserts

Its warm flavor is a perfect pairing in many baked products. I've even noticed that it's a great addition to beverages like hot cocoa, lemonade (yes, lemonade!), coffee, and even tea.

Vanilla sugar is a deliciously simple gift that keeps giving!

Since most people aren't aware of its many possibilities, be sure and include a few of its uses on a tag, or in a note card. Oh! And be sure and attach a copy of this recipe for Vanilla Bean Cream Scones

Go ahead, treat yourself! 

vanilla sugar
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6 cups granulated white sugar
1 vanilla bean
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Add the sugar to a glass jar or plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.
Slice the vanilla bean length-wise, piercing only the top layer of the skin. 
Press the back of the knife against the bean and up lengthwise, squeezing the oily, TINY black seeds out.
Add the seeds and the bean to the sugar. Place the lid on the container and shake it up.
Store for a week, until the vanilla infuses the sugar. 
Use in place of regular sugar wherever you desire.
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I found these darling jars at Hobby Lobby.

more home-made gift ideas . . . .


LET'S STAY in touch!
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Thank you so much for stopping by!
I love reading your comments and appreciate them so much!


  1. Such a sweet gift. We did the daily acknowledgments for our teachers last week. They deserve every moment spent on their gifts!

  2. A great gift! And your packaged it beautifully.

  3. Absolutely darling!! I love the special ribbon! The gifts certainly say you care -- the little touches that mean a lot. I've used the seeds from the vanilla bean and saved the outside -- I just stuck it in the sugar jar but your ideas are so great! Thank you for the inspiration and your photos are -- well, spectacular!!

  4. what a "sweet" and thoughtful treat to share. Sure to be a well received gift too. Hugs!

  5. Love this! I think I will have to treat myself, lol. What a great gift to give too! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. What a great idea. I've pinned the recipe and will definitely use it for future gifts. I love the smell of vanilla and this looks easy enough for my girls to do by themselves. Stopping by from Marvelous Mondays.

  7. I use to buy vanilla sugar at Penzey's Spices. Now I can do my own.
    Thanks. Your pictures are so pretty too. From Making Memories Monday

  8. I've never heard of this, but this looks amazing! I can totally see using this for so many things:) Thank you so much for sharing this!! Found you at WOW:)

  9. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Thank you - I've seen vanilla sugar on other sites, but never found a recipe. It's going in my Christmas baskets
    Donna @ Adventuresinjunking

  10. The jars are perfect! Who wouldn't love a gift of vanilla sugar? Yum! I have got to try those scones! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  11. Hello, Just loved this simple yet elegant looking idea for a gift or for my use! I did Pin It...
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. What a great gift idea!! This sounds delicious and those scones look amazing! Thank you for sharing at the Talented Tuesday party :)
    Lindi @ www.lovecreatecelebrate.com

  13. Such a pretty gift. Do you leave the pod bit in when you give it as a gift or take that out after a week or so? I know a few people who would appreciate this idea.

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