Thursday, May 29, 2014

Savour . . . a Greek basil tree

While shopping for white iceberg rose trees at Armstrong Nursery a few weeks ago, I discovered Savours, also known as Greek Basil trees.

Have you heard of, or seen, them?

I am in love with mine. In love.

Their bright and beautiful small, tender leaves are a fragrant lemony basil scent . . . and the tree is shaped into a lush ball atop a slender trunk.


It's not only beautiful to look at, but it smells amazing, too!

I put one on the table behind the sofa in our family room . . . close to where I sit and watch TV. Oh my goodness, talk about a heavenly scent. My mind runs wild with thoughts of all the amazing light Summer pasta dishes that I plan on making and dressing up with these small, tender, fragrant leaves.

I added to them my Yellow Squash and Parmesan Frittata with garden tomatoes and fresh herbs earlier in the week . . . and they added the perfect finishing touch to this dish.

The Savour website describes them beautifully . . . 

Savour looks like a little tree—a tasty topiary that is green and bountiful all year long.
Unlike ordinary basils, Savour never stops flourishing, 
so you can grow it in the garden or on the patio in the summer, 
and move it inside to the windowsill in winter.
.     .     .     .     .     .     .

A Greek-type, gourmet basil, Savour's hardiness and unique shape 
are due to grafting great culinary basil onto the root system of a wild variety. 
Rich and robust, Savour will fill your kitchen with mouth-watering smells 
and your dishes with abundant flavor.

I love unique garden treasures like this one. 

I hope you're lucky enough to find a Greek basil tree at a nursery near you, and treat yourself to one.

Do you have a new or favorite garden treasure?

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. Funny, my son BEGGED for one of these at Home Depot over the weekend. And he never asks for anything when we're out and about. I just couldn't justify a $15 dollar annual. They really are so pretty, though.

  2. That's very pretty and it looks great in your aged pots!

  3. Your little plant is so pretty it almost doesn't look real! I can only imagine how wonderful it smells!
    ~ Ashley

  4. I have heard of it, but not able to find in this neck of the woods. I love the fact that it produces all year long. Wish I was smelling my own on my kitchen window sill. Thanks for stopping my post on determinate/indeterminate tomatoes. If you aren't too busy maybe you'll share tomorrow at my monthly Sunday's Best Party. Have a great weekend.

  5. Nothing better for your home than something that looks beautiful, smells great AND you can use to make tasty treats! I'll keep my eyes out for one!! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love fresh plants in the home, especially ones that smell good. There is nothing like bringing the outside inside!! Looks great in your pots to :-)
    Thanks for linking up to Marvelous Monday at Smart Party Planning. Hope we see you again next week :-)

  7. I've never heard of this before but will be on the lookout for one! Plants need to be hardy to survive in my house - I don't have very green fingers!! x

  8. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I definitely will be looking for the "Savour". Hopefully I won't have to continue buying live basil plants from Trader Joe's. What a great addition to a kitchen, an herb that looks good and smells good.

  9. Suzanne, your basil tree is so pretty and a bonus that it goes so well. Where should we look for these trees? Specialty food stores, garden centers, and the grocery stores all came to mind! Thanks for sharing this unique plant at Christine's, where I read about it.

  10. What a gorgeous little tree. And basil ha.. I have never seen one. I love to always have basil in my garden. I wonder what it taste like...


    1. Hi Janet,
      I've always liked basil, but THIS basil is lighter and sweeter than a traditional basil plant. I absolutely love it!
      I hope you're able to find one to add to your garden.
      Have a great week,

  11. Quite lovely in that beautiful pot. Basil and tomato salad is a favorite of mine.

  12. So pretty! I have the perfect spot for one of those!!

    Kelly from

  13. Oh it is fabulous and I am sure the aroma is wonderful. I love the look too, how perfect is that. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  14. That is beautiful, especially in the pot you have it in! I don't think I have ever seen that before, but hope I can find one.

  15. Oh I love that! I would definitely have that in my home...or maybe two!

  16. I want one!! Love your photography; so glad I stopped in for a visit.

  17. Oh I love your basil tree! I am going to look for one. Thank you for sharing.

  18. Oooh Ooh I must have one!!!

  19. Well, now I have a new mission for the weekend - I have to find one of these! Thanks for sharing.

  20. I have never heard of this but would love to find one! There's a little vintage shop about a half an hour away that carries unique plants. If anybody had one it would be her. I am going to check there. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  21. Anonymous6:53 AM

    What a lovely plant, I love basil I can imagine it smells gorgeous. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!

  22. Those wonderful smells always coming from the this!

  23. Its beautiful and I know the smell is so divine. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo

  24. Beautifully photographed. Makes me want to get one of my own and thanks for describing the taste. If I see it I will probably get it.

  25. What a beautiful Greek Basil Tree! Never seen one before, love it. I bet it smells so good and to be able to use it in your dishes, awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing, your photography is just so pretty!

  26. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Hey doll! I featured you tonight at the party I am co-hosting at Woods of Bell Trees!

  27. G'day lovely lady! That looks so beautiful. I bet it smells lovely too! I've just pinned your post and it is also on my Pinterest Page on Facebook.

    Thanks for sharing at the Say G'day Saturday Linky Party!

    Best wishes for a fabulous week,
    Natasha in Oz

  28. I have been trying to find one for ages and my search has been futile. I would love to have a few of these plants but, alas, so far, no luck.

  29. I have been trying to find one for ages and my search has been futile. I would love to have a few of these plants but, alas, so far, no luck.
