Sunday, June 22, 2014

chili-lime corn on the cob

Grilled corn is a great Summer side dish!
                                                   . . . . and so are fresh picked garden tomatoes!

I don't know about you, but I've been busy planning our 4th of July menu.

The 4th of July officially kicks off Summer for us! I love this season for its light menus, fruits, and vegetables.

I have fun dolling up Summer favorites, like berries, lemonade, corn, tomatoes and squash (just to name a few).

I've shared a few of my favorite yellow squash recipes recently . . . yellow squash & Parmesan frittata and baked yellow squash rounds . . . and thought I would share a delicious, and easy, corn on the cob recipe too, since we're heading into the grilling season.

And although I'm a big fan of grilled corn with butter, salt & pepper . . . I love treating my friends and family to grilled corn that's dolled up with an incredible creamy chili lime sauce that's a little sweet, spicy, and tart . . . and oh so good!!

 chili lime corn
.     .     .     .     .     .     .
4 limes
6 ears corn
1/4 cup butter, softened
salt & pepper
1 cup mayonnaise
1 8-ounce carton of sour cream
3 Tablespoons grated Pecorino Romano cheese, extra for sprinkling on top too
2 Tablespoons chili powder
2 Tablespoons fresh Italian leaf parsley, chopped *optional
.     .     .     .     .     .     .

Preheat grill.

Zest enough peel from limes to equal 2 Tablespoons. Squeeze enough juice to equal 1/4 cup; set aside.

Peel back corn husks to bases of ears but do not remove. Clean silks from the corn. Fold the husks in, toward the center. Using butcher's twine, or strips of dried corn husks, tie together husks to create a handle for each ear.

*Soak the twine in water for several minutes to help prevent burning.

*Soak the twine in water for several minutes to help prevent burning.


Rub the corn with butter. Season with salt and pepper.

Whisk together mayonnaise, sour cream, cheese, chili powder, lime peel, and lime juice.

Grill corn over medium heat , covered, directly over heat about 20 to 25 minutes or until nicely browned and tender, turning occasionally.

Remove from grill and brush with sour cream mixture; return corn to grill and grill about 5 minutes or until mixture has browned, turning at least once.

Remove and place on a platter. Sprinkle with lots of fresh parsley (and more Parmesan) . . . and enjoy!

LET'S STAY in touch!


  1. wow, these corns look so good, I don't own a grill and never owned one. My husband always boil the corns with water and they taste good already. I can only imagine how much better yours taste.

  2. Can't beat a good corn on the cob! These look amazing.

    Thanks for sharing at Marvelous Monday on Smart Party Planning :-)

  3. Every year I say I'm gonna try one of the Mexican-style corn recipes. And then I don't. It always looks so good in photos! I'm growing some this year. I think I should use that as an excuse to finally do it. And tomatoes already!? So jealous. I do have flowers on mine at least. If we'd get a good solid stretch of sunshine, I'd be in business!

  4. That looks AMAZING! I've never heard of roasting corn with sour cream. It sounds delicious!

    I followed the link-up from Smart Party Planning.

  5. I didn't know which link I wanted to visit first - the corn or the ice cream with berries, but I see your posts featured so frequently, I simply needed to just sign up as your newest follower! Kudos on such consistently wonderful posts, Suzanne! (visiting this time from Rustic-Refined, btw).
    Rita C at Panoply

  6. This looks fabulous! When our fresh corn starts coming in, I so want to try your recipe. I think this would be a perfect side for fajitas! Thanks for sharing!

  7. The corn almost looks too pretty to eat! Such a fabulous recipe, Suzanne! LOVE the way you keep the husks on. Gotta try that! Thanks!

  8. Anonymous6:36 PM

    We've been using the chili lime seasoning for a couple years now, but we do wrap our corn in foil. I will try your method of pulling back the husks and wrapping with twine, The corn looks very appetizing on the platter.

  9. Looks soooo good! I've pinned this so I can give it a try. Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  10. Well isn't that beautiful! We've always left the husks on our corn when we grill it, after soaking the corn for at least 30 minutes to keep the husk from charring, but I definitely need to try your rub recipe. Looks so flavorful!

  11. This looks so, so yummy Suzanne! The flavor combination must be wonderful~thanks for the great tutorial re: tying the husks back. I have not tried this before but what a lovely presentation. pinning. Have a great week:)

  12. Thanks for coming by the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. Love your post and appreciate you taking the time to share. I would love to include this recipe in my Summer BBQ Side Dish Round-Up on Saturday! Looks Fabulous!

  13. These look so flavorful!
    An easy way to juice limes is to use your garlic press--so much more juice and so much less effort!

  14. This sound so delicious… going to have to make these for sure…love how you have displayed them!

  15. Hi Suzanne I wanted to let you know I have included your amazing corn in my Summertime BBQ Side Dish Roundup posting on Saturday morning. Proper links given.

  16. This is SO cool Suzanne! I have never seen the husks folded down like that and tied. I featured it on my fb page. I can't find the 'pin' button though and would love to pin and share it that way also. Stopping by from Super Sat Blog Hop. Carrie, A Mother's Shadow

  17. Totally pinning this and making ASAP - sounds AMAZING! So glad I stopped by from Best of the Weekend.

  18. Oh I have got to try this. Looks and sounds totally delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe with SYC. Pinning.

  19. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I love fresh corn and this coating looks really yummy. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!! Laura@Baking in Pyjamas

  20. This looks delicious and I love how you handle the husks! We're featuring it our Independence Day Round Up at Reviews, Chews & How-Tos: Thanks so much for sharing!

  21. Omg, this looks so amazing! It completely screams summer and communicates such good feelings. Will have to give it a try! This is my first time to your blog. Will have to take a look around, as I see so many enticing posts on the sidebar... :-) Thanks for sharing!!

    Lory at Designthusiasm

  22. Oh my, this sounds soooooooooooo good. Thanks for linking to Inspire Me.

  23. Hopping over from Wow us Weds as this looked fun and tasty! I never thought to season corn! Maybe that sounds silly but its true. Butter and salt and pepper at most. This sounds awesome and I am totally trying this and soon!

  24. I just bought corn which is so good right now. It will be a good time to try your recipe which sounds very tasty.

  25. I just got back from the grocery with a bag full of corn. That's good reason to try your recipe which sounds quite tasty.

  26. Thanks for linking up to the Be-you-tiful link party! This looks delicious! Our family gobbles up corn like it is candy!
    I can't wait to try it out!

  27. If I had only looked further!;) I am off to pin this Suzanne. We love corn on the cob at our house!
